
Green Recycling, a company that assists businesses in becoming greener by collecting their waste turning it into resources useful to the community and environment, issued its recycling reports where Boga & Associates is praised for its efforts to contributing to the safeguard of the environment.

The report states that during 2014 Boga & Associates has provided 401 kilograms of paper for recycling, thus avoiding the slaughtering of 7 trees, which also resulted in savings of other resources that are increasingly scarce in nature such as water (for 11 m3 cubic or oil (for 7 barrels) or the space of the landfill (for about 1 m3).

The report highlights that “in 2014, thanks to the separate collection of waste, BOGA & ASSOCIATES has contributed to the reduction of CO2 emissions for a total of 0,52 tons equivalent to 0,2 TOE (Tons of Oil Equivalent). Regenerating a laser cartridge saves about 3 liters of oil. This means that with 10 empty cartridges collected and prepared for regeneration in 2014, BOGA & ASSOCIATES has produced oil savings for nearly 33 liters of oil or 0,2 barrels.”

Click here to read the full report.

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