Corporate Social Responsibility
Boga & Associates is strongly committed to corporate social responsibility. Boga & Associates activities can have impacts, both large and small, outside the firm and it continually demonstrates its commitment to supporting the communities of which it is a part. Individually and collectively, Boga & Associates partners and employees contribute to strengthening communities, enhancing the environment and creating a sustainable business future.
Supporting Art & Culture
Boga & Associates, in partnership with the French Embassy in Albania, supports the French art and culture that is highly valued by the community. Our long understanding of corporate social responsibility as an integral part of our firm’s culture has included supporting art in Tirana.
Boga & Associates is sponsoring the "Trait d'Union" international premiere dance show of Angelin Preljocaj, a French – Albanian dancer and choreographer of contemporary dance. We see art sponsorship as a way to give back to the community where Boga & Associates has thrived since 1994 and make it even more attractive place to live and work.
Our sponsorship of art and dance is set in our commitment to excellence and enhancing the cultural and art quality of life in Tirana.
Boga & Associates is also devoted to charitable activities and has provided pro bono legal services to the Albanian Children’s Foundation, the Youth Albania Parcel Service, the American Chamber of Commerce and the National Olympic Committee, among others.